If you receive an error message "Account Issue 1", firstly, try clearing your cache (CTRL+F5) if the error persists, send an email to myjobscotland@cosla.gov.uk including the email address linked to your myjobscotland account.


We do try to respond to all emails within one working day (note: our support hours are Monday-Friday 9-5).


However, if you receive the error at the weekend and the job is due to close on the Sunday night, we recommend you create a new account with an alternative email address (you can create a free email address on a number of sited including Gmail and outlook). Please contact us after you have submitted your application if you want the new account updated to the previous email address.




What does archived mean?

If you have not submitted an application in line with our privacy policy (5 years for unsuccessful applications and 7 years where you had been hired) your account will automatically archive - these means the data is permanently deleted.