You might have noticed that on all jobs appearing on the myjobscotland website, there is now a little star in the top right hand side of the listing. You can click on this star to add the job to the My Favourite Jobs page in your account.
Note: You need to be logged in to your account to use the favourite jobs feature. Favouriting a job does not mean you have applied for it.
How to add a job to your favourites
The favourite star can be found in the top right hand corner of each advert. When your cursor hovers over the star a text box will let you know what the button does.
You will see the same star in the list of results whenever you perform a search. This can also be used to add a position to your favourites.
Once clicked the star icon will become solid.
You can click on a solid star to remove the job from your favourites.
How to view your favourites
When you are logged into your account you can click "Your Account" and a menu will appear. In this menu click on "My Favourite Jobs" to be taken to the list of your favourited jobs.
How to use your list of favourite jobs
Once you are on the "My Favourite Jobs" page you can go the advert, apply for the position or remove the job from your favourites.
- Click on the Job ID Number or title to be taken to the job advert.
- You can then apply for the job by clicking apply now.
- Click on the Delete button to delete the job from this list of favourites.
Additional Information
- You can unfavourite and refavourite a position multiple times.
- Your favourite jobs will be available up until the council/organisation withdraws/cancels or closes the position.
- The information may still be available even after the closing date on the job advert but you won’t be able to apply.